Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes.

I’m not sure I should admit to this.

I sometimes let my clients make mistakes.

In this age of agency growth experts its not a good line for my LinkedIn profile is it?

Here’s another one.

I’ve made huge mistakes in my professional life – I still do.

Why don’t I just stop now? Any of my clients reading this are fully justified in cancelling our contracts (although I don’t think we have any….another failing).

Why am I admitting to letting my clients make mistakes and admitting to still making loads myself?

Because, I honestly believe it has made my clients and I a little better.

Because, we are all playing the longer game.

Because my clients are not agencies, start-ups or corporates. They are living, breathing, feeling, connected, conscious, supportive groups of people. With all their individual and collective strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures.

There is no structure for supporting them. There is no method. There is listening, learning and progressing together, maybe anything else would be a real mistake.

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