Interested in using empathy as a marketing tool?

Well, if you pardon my language - Fuck Off.

You come across as self-absorbed, shallow, insignificant, short-sighted and desperate sheep.


Interested in making connections with humans?

Stop reducing everything to ‘experiences’, stop using data extracted from forced behaviour (from Google, FB, Insta) to inform your decisions.

Start properly thinking, start connecting to your own humanity, that of your real friends, contacts – look at the real world around you and develop ideas that truly connect, that create real emotional connections not forced, bland, inhumane ‘empathetic connections.

It’s not that hard. Sure, its not the way its done today – but it will be tomorrow.  

Look up from the screen, go out and take a look around you and see what the real world, what real people need and use your talent to make it so. You can do it - break free from the ‘hive’ and make a real difference.

Dave McRobbieComment